St Joseph College Admission Result 2023 – Merit List

Saint Joseph College HSC Admission Result 2023-2024. St. Joseph HSC Admission Notice Has Been Published After SSC Exam Result. When The Authority Publish HSC Admission Result For Saint Joseph College, We Will Update here. ST Joseph Higher Secondary School Dhaka, Bangladesh HSC Admission Circular Has Been Published. It is one of Best College In Bangladesh. Most of Students Dream to Study Here. Sain Joseph School & College HSC Admission Details are Given Below.

Saint Joseph College HSC Admission 2023

St. Joseph Higher Secondary School don’t Follow The govt. Rules to Admission HSC Students Like Others College. High Court Give Permission to Take Admission Test For HSC Admission. So They Follow Own Institute Rule to Admission HSC Admission. So, St. Joseph HSC Admission Circular Will Publish According To The Institute Rules and Regulation. Students Will Get Few Days To Apply For Joseph College.

The Circular Will be Announced on May. After Announcement, Applicant Will Invite To Application. Now Follow The Below to Get Eligible About The St. Joseph HSC Admission.

To admit St. Joseph School & College HSC 1st Year for academic session 2023-24 they have to participating in written exam & viva test. Like Notre Dame College, Dhaka & Holy Cross College, Dhaka; St. Joseph School & College also takes admission test to admit students in HSC 1st Year for academic session 2023-24.

  1. Science Group For English Version: GPA-5.00  with Biology & Math
  2. Science Group For Bangla Version: GPA-5.00 with Biology & Math
  3. Business Studies Group GPA-3.5
  4. Humanities Group GPA-3.5

ST. Joseph College HSC Admission Result 2023

St. Joseph College HSC Admission Result Will Found here. Here You Will Found English Version and Bangla Version Result. When The Authority Published Result We Will Update here. However, The ST Joseph College Admission result Has Been Published on 23 August 2023.

Dhaka Notre Dame College NDC Admission Test Result 2023 will be Published on Soon.

1 2023-08-23 Selected Applicants of class 11, 2023-25 (Humanities- List 1)
2 2023-08-23 Selected Applicants of class 11, 2023-25 (Business Studies- List 1)
3 2023-08-23 Selected Applicants of class 11, 2023-25 (Science English Version- List 1)
4 2023-08-23 Selected Applicants of Class 11, 2023-25 (Science- List 1)

St Joseph College Admission Circular 2023

St. Joseph Higher Secondary School stands out as one of the premier institutions of Bangladesh. The institution has accumulated an enviable fame in terms of outstanding performance of the students in the public exams as well as an overflow of students from around the country to accommodate to.100% passing rates with a very substantial number of GPA-5 over the years and a congenial atmosphere of the institution for teaching and learning have attracted people who realize the essence of true education.

The entrance to St. Joseph Higher Secondary School in Class-III is extremely tough and truly a long-cherished desire of thousands of parents around the country. Each class (from class-III to class-XII) has intakes at the beginning of an academic session provided that the seats are vacant. Each class (from class-III to class-X) has three sections comprising 180 students of which one is an English Medium section. Class-XI and class-XII have six sections each- 4 science sections including an English Medium section, 1 Business Studies section and 1 Humanities section. Every year a total of more than 400 students are select from thousands for admission in class-XI.