
Bangladesh Election 2024 Results: Live Update & Analysis

The Bangladesh general elections took place on January 7th, 2024. This elections event attracted global attention as the main opposition party chose to boycott the elections. As a result, it was anticipated that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her Awami League would secure another term in office. In this live blog, we bring you real-time updates, insights, and analysis of the Bangladesh election results.

The Bangladesh Election Commission was responsible for ensuring a free and fair election process as voters made their choice. As the polls closed and the election results started coming in. The results would go on to shape Bangladesh’s future and redefine its position in the international arena.

Bangladesh Election Results 2024

In the Bangladesh Election of 2024, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her Awami League have emerged victorious. The voting took place on January 7th, 2024, with Hasina leading her party to win a historic fourth straight term in office.

You can observe a few key statistics from the election results in the table below:

PartySeats Won
Total Seat: 300Result: 38
Awami League31
Jatiya Party
Independent candidate

Note: Exact seat counts and vote share percentages will be updated once official results are released.

দ্বাদশ জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচন-২০২৪: স্থানীয় সূত্রে প্রাপ্ত ফলাফল লাইভ
আসন গণনা হয়েছে

আসন গণনা হয়েছে ১৭৫/২৯৯
বাংলাদেশ আওয়ামী লীগ -১৩৮ আসন (৭৮.৮৬%)
জাতীয় পার্টি (জাপা) – ৬ আসন (৩.৪৩%)
স্বতন্ত্র – ৩১ আসন (১৭.৭১%)
অন্যান্য – ০ আসন (০%)

Bangladesh Election Results 2024: Live Update

Despite the main opposition party boycotting the elections, a decent voter turnout was observed throughout the country. The elections were conducted under the auspices of the 2024 Bangladesh Election Commission, ensuring free and fair elections.

In the 2024 Bangladesh election, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her Awami League party secured a historic fourth consecutive and fifth overall term. This notable victory reaffirms her position as a dominant leader in Bangladesh’s political landscape.

Analysis by Region

Dhaka Division

In the Dhaka Division, Sheikh Hasina’s party has once again shown a strong performance, maintaining its dominance in this crucial region. The voter turnout was significant, showcasing the enthusiasm of the electorate. Key issues that people focused on in this election were development and the economy.

Chittagong Division

The Chittagong Division has been a mixed bag for the ruling party and the opposition. Constituencies near coastal areas leaned towards Sheikh Hasina’s party, while others demonstrated support for the opposition. Infrastructure development, especially in the port area, has been a pressing concern for voters in this region.

Khulna Division

In Khulna Division, the ruling party has managed to secure a majority of the seats, with a few instances of close contests. The electorate in this region has voiced its concerns about the environment, particularly in Mongla and Sundarbans areas, and the government’s economic policies.

Rajshahi Division

Rajshahi Division has been a stronghold for the ruling party, boasting a higher winning margin compared to other regions. The focus of voters in this region has been geared towards agricultural development and the need for better connectivity to other parts of the country.

  1. Ruling party’s stronghold
  2. Agricultural development
  3. Better connectivity

Barisal Division

Barisal Division has seen competitive races between the ruling party and the opposition, with several close contests. Issues like poverty alleviation, job creation, and education have been significant concerns for the voters in this region, resulting in a divided mandate.

Sylhet Division

Sylhet Division has been an interesting case in this election, as the region has witnessed the emergence of a third political force that has managed to shake up the traditional power dynamics. However, the ruling party still managed to win, but with a thinner margin compared to previous elections. The region’s voters have been vocal about their demands for better infrastructure and the protection of their cultural heritage.

Rangpur Division

Rangpur Division has been a stronghold for Sheikh Hasina’s party, securing a majority of the seats by a considerable margin. The focus of voters in this region revolves around rural development and employment. The region’s agricultural potential and the need for better irrigation facilities have been crucial factors in shaping their electoral choices.

Mymensingh Division

Lastly, in the Mymensingh Division, the ruling party has managed to secure a majority of the seats, albeit by slim margins in some constituencies. The voters in this region have been concerned with local development needs and responding to the adverse effects of climate change on their livelihoods.

International Reactions

Following the Bangladesh Election 2024, numerous international actors expressed their thoughts on the process and outcome.

The United Nations urged for calm and respect for democratic principles. In a statement, the UN Secretary-General emphasized the importance of inclusive dialogue to strengthen the foundation of democracy in Bangladesh.

India, as a neighboring country, congratulated Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on her electoral success. The Indian Prime Minister expressed confidence in the continued strengthening of bilateral ties between the two countries. This sentiment was echoed by Pakistan, who also conveyed their commitment to working together with the newly elected government.

  • China: Beijing asserted its support for Hasina’s administration, pledging to enhance cooperation in various sectors such as trade and infrastructure development.
  • United States: While acknowledging the election results, the US expressed concerns over the lack of opposition in the electoral process, and urged Bangladesh to address these concerns moving forward.

The European Union issued a somewhat mixed response, recognizing the government’s mandate but also highlighting the need for a more inclusive political environment. The EU urged Bangladesh to respect democratic principles and human rights, and reiterated its commitment to supporting the country’s development.

Various international human rights organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch raised concerns over the crackdown on opposition parties and activists during the run-up to the election. They called for more transparency and fairness in future elections, and for the newly elected government to prioritize human rights in their agenda.

In summary, international reactions to the Bangladesh Election 2024 encompassed both congratulations and concerns. As the new government assumes power, the global community will be closely watching its actions and commitment to democratic principles.

Challenges and Controversies

The Bangladesh Election of 2024 held on January 7 faced numerous challenges and controversies. Voter boycotts marred the electoral process, with the main opposition party actively opting out of the general election. This decision likely impacted the legitimacy of the election results. In addition, the country’s political landscape was criticized for heading towards a one-party state.

One significant factor contributing to the controversies was the crackdown on opposition. Prior to the election, suppression of opposition voices hindered a fair and equal playing field, further diminishing the credibility of the electoral process.

International reactions to the election have been mixed. While some countries and organizations closely monitored the situation, others raised concerns over the fairness and transparency of the 2024 Bangladesh election. For instance, the United States and the United Nations took specific stances.

To better understand the election, consider the following key issues:

  • Main opposition party boycotts the election
  • Alleged crackdown on opposition voices
  • Concerns over turning Bangladesh into a one-party state
  • Mixed international reactions

Keep in mind that these challenges and controversies surrounding the 2024 Bangladesh Election may influence the political climate in the region, as well as impact the country’s future relations with global partners. As an observer, stay informed about the developments in Bangladesh to better understand the implications of these issues on the international stage.


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