SUST Result 2025 (A and B Unit)

The SUST Result 2025 is set to publish for both A Unit and B Unit candidates. The university authorities have committed to releasing the SUST admission test results for 2025 within 7 days of the examination’s completion. The admission tests were conducted on February 28, 2025. The A Unit admission test was held from 3:00 PM, while the B Unit examination took place earlier at 10:30 AM on the same day. For those who applied to Group 2 from A Unit (A2), there was an additional free-hand drawing test lasting one hour.

The SUST Admission Result 2025 is expected to be officially released by March 6, 2025. Applicants can check result on the university’s official admission portal: A total of 86,416 candidates are anxiously awaiting their results from both A and B Units. The admission test was conducted in MCQ format, with students answering 80 multiple-choice questions for a total of 80 marks.

SUST Result 2025

SUST result 2025 is scheduled to be published by March 6, 2025. Shahjalal University typically releases admission test results within 7 days after the completion of all examinations. When checking your SUST result 2025, you’ll notice the university publishes separate merit and waiting lists for each unit. To be considered for admission, you must secure at least 40% marks in the admission test – this is the minimum qualifying threshold set by the university.

The final merit list is prepared based on a 100-mark system. Out of these 100 marks, 80 come directly from your admission test performance, while the remaining 20 marks are allocated from your HSC (or equivalent) and SSC (or equivalent) results. Specifically, 10 marks are assigned for your HSC results and 10 marks for your SSC results.

How to Check SUST Admission Result 2025

Once the SUST admission test concludes, you’ll be eager to check your result as soon as possible. The SUST result 2025 will be officially published on the university’s dedicated admission portal: You can expect the results to be available on or before March 6, 2025, as the university has committed to releasing results within 7 days after the completion of all admission tests.

Checking your SUST admission result is straightforward. The most convenient method is to search online using your admission roll number. Additionally, the university will publish comprehensive PDF files containing the complete merit and waiting lists for easy reference. follow these simple steps:

  • Go to
  • Search for the Result Checking Option:
  • You might need to log in using your admission roll number and other required credentials.
  • After logging in, you will be able to view your result.

SUST Result 2025 PDF Download

UnitMerit ListWaiting List
Unit ADownloadDownload
Unit BDownloadDownload

Besides the online search option that lets you check results by roll number, the SUST result 2025 will also be available in PDF format. Both A Unit and B Unit admission test results will have separate PDF files. To download the SUST result 2025 PDF files, follow these instructions:

  • Go to
  • Look for a section or link that says “Result” or something similar.
  • Choose between A Unit and B Unit based on the unit you applied for.
  • Click on the relevant link to download the PDF file.
  • The PDF will contain separate lists for merit, waiting, and quota categories.

SUST Admission Test Mark Distribution

The SUST admission test follows a structured MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) format designed to thoroughly evaluate your academic aptitude and subject knowledge.

Each admission test has a standard duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes. The test consists of 80 multiple-choice questions, with each question carrying 1 mark, for a total of 80 possible marks from the examination itself. For candidates who applied to the Architecture program under A2 sub-unit, there’s an additional component to the assessment. These applicants must complete a specialized 60-minute free-hand drawing and architecture-related test.

UnitTotal MarksTotal QuestionsSections & Marks
Unit A8080Physics: 20 marks
Chemistry: 20 marks
Mathematics: 20 marks
Biology or English: 20 marks
Additional Test (A2): 30 marks, 1 hour
Unit B (Science)8080English: 15 marks
Bengali: 10 marks
Physics: 15 marks
Chemistry: 15 marks
Bangladesh & International Affairs: 10 marks
Mathematics or Biology: 15 marks
Unit B (Humanities & Commerce)8080Compulsory Subjects (65 marks):
– English: 15 marks
– Bengali: 15 marks
– General Math: 15 marks
– Bangladesh & International Affairs: 10 marks
– ICT: 10 marksOptional Subjects (15 marks):
Humanities Group: Economics, Civics, Sociology & Social Welfare, History
Commerce Group: Accounting and Business Policy & Management

Unit and Subject Wise Seats

The SUST admission test 2024-2025 is conducted across two primary units: A Unit and B Unit. Each unit caters to different academic backgrounds, with A Unit specifically designed for candidates from Science backgrounds, while B Unit accommodates applicants from Science, Humanities, and Business Studies backgrounds. For the 2024-2025 academic session, SUST has allocated a total of 1,671 seats for undergraduate admissions. The seat distribution across units is as follows:

  • A Unit: 985 seats (reserved for Science background students)
  • B Unit: 581 seats (available for Science, Humanities, and Business Studies students)
  • Quota-based seats: 105 seats (allocated according to government policies)

Departments and Seat Numbers under Unit A (Science):

GroupDepartmentSeat Number
(A1) Group 1
Physics (PHY)65
Chemistry (CHE)65
Mathematics (MAT)80
Statistics (STA)80
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)100
Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science (CEP)50
Industrial and Production Engineering (IPE)80
Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)35
(A2) Group 2
All departments of Group 1 (A1)955
Architecture (ARC)30
Total Seat Number985

B Unit Departments and Seat Numbers (Science + Humanities + Commerce):

DepartmentSeat Number
Economics (ECO)40 + 20 + 6 = 66
Sociology (SOC)30 + 30 + 6 = 66
Political Studies (PSS)20 + 40 + 6 = 66
Public Administration (PAD)20 + 40 + 6 = 66
Anthropology (ANP)25 + 35 + 6 = 66
Social Work (SCW)25 + 35 + 6 = 66
Business Administration (BUS)30 + 10 + 35 = 75
English (ENG)20 + 25 + 5 = 50
Bangla (BNG)5 + 49 + 6 = 60
Total Seat Number581


As the SUST result 2025 publication date approaches, thousands of hopeful candidates are eagerly awaiting news that could shape their academic future. Throughout this article, we’ve provided a complete overview of what you need to know about the Shahjalal University of Science and Technology admission process and results.

The admission tests were held on February 28, 2025. You can expect the SUST result 2025 to be published by March 6, 2025, on the official admission portal. The university’s transparent 100-point evaluation system ensures a fair and comprehensive assessment of your capabilities.