JU D Unit Result 2025 – জাহাঙ্গীরনগর ডি-ইউনিট রেজাল্ট

JU D Unit Result 2025 has been released for both male and female students in Merit and waiting list. You can get your results at ju-admission.org. This year, the Faculty of Biological Sciences conducted the admission test on February 9 for female students and February 10 for male students. The test accommodated 95,860 applicants vying for a place in its coveted programs.

The D Unit consists of 7 departments with a total of 310 seats equally divided among male and female candidates. You’re provided with the option to download the results in a PDF file or search them online by entering your roll number and selecting the unit. The JU Administration committed to publishing results within 7 days of the admission test’s conclusion.

JU D Unit Result 2025

You can get the JU D Unit Result 2025 by February 15, 2025. Jahangirnagar University commits to releasing results within seven days of completing each unit’s admission test. The results will be available in both merit and waiting lists for both male and female students. To check your JU D Unit Result, you have several options. You can search online, download a PDF file or use the SMS method. Jahangirnagar University will publish a merit list ten times the number of available seats in each unit.

জাবির ‘ডি’ ও ‘ই’ ও ‘আইবিএ-জেইউ’ ইউনিট  ফলাফল আজকের মধ্যে প্রকাশ করা হবে  – উপ-উপাচার্য (শিক্ষা) অধ্যাপক মোহাম্মদ মাহফুজুর রহমান।

Your merit score will be based on a total of 100 marks. This includes 80 marks from the MCQ admission test and 20 marks from your SSC and HSC results. To pass the admission test, you need to score at least 35%. For each correct MCQ answer, you earn one mark, while each incorrect answer deducts 0.20 marks from your total. Your SSC GPA is multiplied by 1.5, and your HSC GPA by 2.5, contributing to your final score.

Example: If you score 60 out of 80 in the MCQ test, and have an SSC GPA of 4.0 and HSC GPA of 4.5, your merit score will be:

  • MCQ: 60 marks
  • SSC Contribution: 4.0 * 1.5 = 6
  • HSC Contribution: 4.5 * 2.5 = 11.25
  • Total Merit Score: 77.25 marks

How To Get JU D Unit Result

You can access the JU D Unit Result in several ways. To check the results online, follow these simple steps. First, visit the official Jahangirnagar University admission portal at ju-admission.org. Then, search for the result checking option. Once there, enter your roll number and any other required credentials. After submitting your details, your result will appear online. Alternatively, you can also obtain your result via SMS. Additionally, the merit list in PDF format can be downloaded when published.

  • Go to JU Admission website ju-admission.org
  • Find the ‘Result’ tab in the right corner
  • Select “JU D Unit Result PDF” option
  • Then chose ‘Male’ or ‘Female’ PDF file for you
  • Download the PDF and search for your roll number

JU Result By SMS

Receiving your Jahangirnagar University (JU) D Unit Result via SMS is a straightforward process. To get your result, send a text message to the number 3690. The SMS should be formatted as follows:

Type JU (Space) R (Space) Roll Number and send it to 3690.

JU represents Jahangirnagar University, R stands for Result, and Roll Number is your unique admission test identifier.

For example, if your roll number is 123456, you would type:

JU R 123456 and send it to 3690.

JU Result 2025 PDF

You can download the JU Result 2025 for the D Unit in PDF format. You’ll find that separate PDFs are available for male and female students. To download the PDF, head to the official Jahangirnagar University admission website. Once there, simply look for the D Unit section, where the PDF download link will be provided. However, we have collected the result and provide to download.

Unit NameMaleFemale
D ইউনিট
Male WaitingFemale Waiting

JU D Unit Seats Number

The JU D Unit offers a competitive opportunity for aspiring students. You will find a total of 310 seats available across 7 departments, evenly divided with 155 seats for male students and 155 for female students. Below is a table that provides a breakdown of seat numbers by department:

SubjectMaleFemaleTotal Seats
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology252550
Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering121224
Public Health and Informatics202040


The JU D Unit result 2025 has been published at Jahangirnagar University Admission Website ju-admission.org. This year, the merit list for D Unit is available in PDF format, distinctly separate for male and female students. You can get the results and detailed notices from the official admission website. Jahangirnagar University stands as a prestigious institution in Bangladesh, known for its excellence in higher education.

The D Unit is especially important as it encompasses the Faculty of Biology with subjects like microbiology and genetic engineering. Success in this unit opens pathways for you to explore advanced studies and gain expertise in these fields. The prompt release of results reflects the efficiency of JU’s admission process.